Wednesday 7 August 2013

The only legitimate reaction to academic papers you don't understand....

It's been a long day. Maybe you've been doing revision, maybe you have an essay due and what are you faced with? A long, esoteric journal article that you just know contains the perfect piece of data/info/trivia-to-woo-your-marker-into-giving-you-a-first. But there's one tiny little problem...

You don't understand a single word written on the page because it's an esoteric journal article written by super-geniuses for the reading pleasure of other super-geniuses.

After the existential crisis of realising that if you can't ever understand this paper how will you ever know enough so that you too can also be a academic super-genius you conclude you have only one option left...

No, seriously, there is only one true reaction when all other options have failed you, and it is this...

Nah, I'm only joking, I just wanted to write a bit of satire before bed.

(The head-desk is courtesy of John Green, noted American Vlogbrother, thanks goes to a person on tumblr (probably) for making the .gif).

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