OK folks, straight off I'll say it. I did not come up with this idea, noted American vlogbrothers John and Hank Green did and you can check them out here: http://www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers
Disclaimer out of the way, let's get started with some geology related google weirdness...
I asked google 'Is the Earth...' and google told me that people had asked the following:
"Is the Earth Round?"
Firstly, I would put to you that this is a question wrongly asked. In geology the opposite to 'round' is 'angular' what people may actually be asking when they ask this is 'is the earth spherical', the answer to which is, no not really. The Earth is by no means a perfect mathematical shape but the best approximation we have is a shape called an oblate spheroid, imagine a smartie or chocolate minstrel and you've got the right kind of idea although the Earth isn't actually that squished in the z-axis.
"Is the Earth bigger than the Sun?"
It's these kind of questions that make me wish that geology was more widely taught in schools but also that perhaps physics was too. Needless to say that the Earth is not bigger than the Sun in the same way that the Moon isn't bigger. We're closer to the Earth, that's why it seems bigger. I can only hope that it was a lot of 8 year olds doing school homework that bumped this question to second most frequently asked.
"Is the Earth flat?"
Most people don't realise that the Greeks actually calculated the circumference of the Earth. Pythagoras first proposed a spherical Earth in 6th Century BC and around 330 BC Aristotle accepted a model of a spherical Earth. The myth that historic figures believed the Earth was flat has partly been propagated by popular culture but despite satellite photographs of our planet as 'spherical' a 'flat Earth socity' still exists today. One can only assume that they have their own reasons for dismissing scientific proofs.
"Is the Earth hollow?"
OK, I have read bits from the top site that comes up after the wikipedia page and I'll leave you to read them yourself. Basically there's two theories about a hollow Earth, one is that the centre of the Earth is hollow and we live on the outside as we do now, the other is that we're all living inside the convex interior of the Earth with the Sun and the rest of creation suspended in the centre. At least that's how I'm interpreting it all, my mind can barely bend itself into being able to take in such ideas.
Here's the important thing to take away, we know what the structure of the inside of the Earth looks like thanks to geophysics. We know that there is a rigid lithosphere, a plasticine-like mantle that can flow, a liquid nickel-iron outer core and a solid nickel-iron inner core.
We also know how planets form by looking at meteorites which are basically tiny fragments of the original material that made the solar system. I encourage you to read up about because it's pretty amazing what you can learn about the Earth by looking at things that have collided into the surface of the planet.
So that's it, google auto-fill proving once again that the collective mind of the masses is just a little bit odd. No matter!
I'm sure when I'm board I'll do another one of these soon.
"Sedimentary my dear Watson!"